Easy Cash Spells That Works Faster For Everyone

Even though everyone has a different relationship with money, everyone will tell you that having it is preferable to needing it, especially if you have any unpaid debts or dreams that have been put on hold endlessly due to a lack of funds. If this describes you, perhaps magical money spells can help. Of course, you may be wondering how real and/or efficient financial spells are. 
So we went out and asked some actual witches and magicians what they thought. They recommend the following simple suggestions, rituals, and spells to attract more money into your life through Lottery spells

1. Spell for quick cash - the easiest spell to attract money 

ONE BAY LEAF 1 candle, tea light 1 Citrine crystal, small 1 small bag 

On the bay leaf, write the amount of money you require, such as $50 to pay a bill. Following that, light the tea light and burn the bay leaf. Carry the pouch (money talisman) around with you for the next few days and watch the magic unfold. 

2. Extension dollar bill - best money spells for manifesting wealth
One-dollar bill Extra virgin olive oil 1 green Sharpie marker Basil leaves, fresh
Write the word "Abundance" on the dollar bill with the green Sharpie pen. Place the dollar bill on a windowsill or anywhere in direct sunlight for at least an hour. The more time you have, the better. Next, rub some olive oil and fresh basil into your hands and thoroughly rub the dollar until it begins to feel warm. After that, fold the dollar in half, then again. Put the magically charged bill in your wallet and keep it there for a few days. If your finances are stagnant, be aware that financial spells manifest income and can be an effective method for attracting more money into your bank account.


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